Tarrant County Public Health collage, with images of boy getting vaccinated, vector specialists preparing gravid trap, nurse with client and child, Health Educator Marianne, lab worker; text: The first full week of April is National Public Health Week


Did you know public health is more than just health care? "Public health" is part of the government infrastructure that focuses specifically on health education and prevention, instead of simply treating patients who are already sick, as most hospitals do. We help to ensure food and water are safe to eat and drink, monitor and track certain diseases, and build strong relationships in our communities to create better health outcomes.

There are times when the hard work conducted by so many dedicated professionals can be taken for granted, which is why this week we celebrate National Public Health Week (NPHW). This time is dedicated to highlighting the achievements as well as the future goals for public health. Tarrant County Public Health (TCPH) provides clinical services, family health services, conducts disease control and prevention activities, as well as health protection and critical response functions. You may already know some of our programs like Immunizations and WIC, but are you familiar some of our other programs?

young woman getting vaccinated

Epidemiology staff worked tirelessly throughout the pandemic, and now are dedicated to monitoring and tracking disease incidents all over our county and the world. They also work diligently to update and monitor systems that alert us to health threats that could cause us harm.

The North Texas Regional Laboratory regularly conducts milk and dairy testing to ensure these products meet the quality standards, which make them fit for human consumption. The lab regularly tests water wells to ensure the water in them is safe to drink for both humans and livestock. They also provide confirmatory testing for emerging infectious diseases and can quickly respond to other public health threats like bioterrorism agents.

We are proud of the "interlocal agreements" we have with Tarrant County municipalities and neighboring counties throughout North Central Texas. These mutually beneficial agreements allow us to help each other with the business of disease monitoring and prevention. An example of this type of agreement is the year-round mosquito surveillance collaboration with municipalities to help warn us of arboviruses like West Nile Virus. Environmental Health provides restaurant, pool and mobile food unit inspection services for many Tarrant County cities and provide online results of these inspections.

Chronic Disease Prevention staff regularly provide classes and presentations to help schools and other groups understand, manage and avoid developing chronic diseases like diabetes, asthma, obesity, and many diseases which can be brought on by tobacco use.

Public Health's other functions include:

  • Community Youth Development which provides programs and activities for youth in specific ZIP codes in Tarrant County.
  • Safe Riders provides free car seats and classes to parents on proper installation and safe use.
  • Nurse Family Partnership brings skilled nurses to first-time mothers to provide support during pregnancy and, if needed, can continue until the baby’s second birthday.

These are just some of the many useful programs and functions TCPH works to provide every day. You can learn more about TCPH programs on our website or our social media channels. I'm proud of the work the staff of Tarrant County Public Health does every day to help safeguard our public's health.  All of these programs are aimed at helping our Tarrant County residents live safe, happy and healthy lives.


Tom Stallings

Interim Director, Tarrant County Public Health