Tarrant County HIV Planning

What is HIV Planning?

Planning under the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program (RWHAP) is a multi-step process of information gathering to determine needs and subsequent decision-making to devote resources to the highest needs.

  • Metropolitan-wide planning (RWHAP Part A) and state-level planning (RWHAP Part B) are comprehensive by design as planning takes into consideration a wide geographic area, various populations, and varied services. RWHAP and Ending the HIV Epidemic (EHE) planning entails a sequence of tasks to first assess needs, then examine assessment data and make decisions. 
  • Planning involves the examination of epidemiologic and service delivery data to identify needs in the service delivery area. This type of planning is then used to guide decisions about how to deliver services.
  • The HIV Administrative Agency must maintain operating procedures for ensuring community input and disseminate updates to community stakeholders. 

HIV Planning Resources




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