Library and Law Library

Picture of Law Books

Recreational reading material is available in the Jail and is distributed weekly on a mobile book cart.

  • Inmates may have newspaper and magazine subscriptions. These items must be mailed directly from the publisher to the inmate by name. 
  • Publications containing the following material are prohibited:
  1. Any material that is capable of being used to arouse interest or depicts graphic description of any sexual conduct.
  2. Any item that displays or distributes any obscene photographs, drawings or similar visual representation or other obscene material that promotes simulated sexual intercourse, deviate sexual intercourse, sexual bestiality, or any lewd exhibition of male or female genitals.

Newspapers or magazines brought to the jail by individuals will not be accepted.

Religious library pieces, such as book and study curricula, are available by sending a request to the chaplain.

A collection of legal reference materials is available in the Law Library for inmates who desire to prepare their own legal documents. Inmates must schedule visits to the law library. Legal materials may not be removed from the Law Library.