Food Handler / Manager Education

Most of the problems encountered in food service establishments are the result of the actions (or lack of actions) of the people working in the establishment. People who work with, or may work with, open food are considered food handlers. A food manager is not necessarily the person in charge of the food service operation, but it is someone with authority who has received training in an accredited program.

Food Handler

Individuals working with open food must receive basic training in safety measures and the dangers involved with preparing food. Many training courses are available on-line and some certified instructors may provide on-site classes. Tarrant County will recognize training from American National Standards Institute (ANSI) or any Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) approved trainer.   

Food Manager

All of the cities we deal with require that at least one person in an establishment with six or more employees have a certified food manager. Tarrant County follows the state regulations for Food Managers. Information regarding the State Food Manager Certification procedures can be found at the Department of State Health Services. Here's more about the laws and rules for Certified Food Manager Program you will need to know.